Poets of connected world
wojtek szumowski wojtek szumowski

Poets of connected world

Designing experiences is about intentionally and imaginatively inviting objects and systems to the conversations that people are having with the world.
Experience designers are poets of connected world, revealing possibilities of conversations we can have with the world around, inviting moments that put this world back together in new ways.

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In-between narratives
wojtek szumowski wojtek szumowski

In-between narratives

We are in-between stories, in-between narratives, organizing how we make sense of the world we live in, and in-between discourses framing the roles technology can play in human experience. The omnipresent old narrative - technology as a passive, waiting to be used tool - is losing its ability to inspire the future and is holding back new possibilities for how people and technology can co-participate in experience.

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Techno-social situation
wojtek szumowski wojtek szumowski

Techno-social situation

Techno-social situation is an experience design space where technology starts to participate in context of social relations, beyond isolated tasks, inviting moments of magic and purpose to everyday context.

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From automation to autonomy
wojtek szumowski wojtek szumowski

From automation to autonomy

Our relationship with technology is expanding.
We interact with digital objects that are less like passive, waiting to be used tools and more like networked, always-on, responsive entities that receive input from the world around them, not just from a single user. Our relationship with them can no longer be fully understood through one-to-one functions of a tool.

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Prototyping experience
wojtek szumowski wojtek szumowski

Prototyping experience

Experience prototyping is less a set of techniques than it is an attitude and sensibility, inviting us to imagine possibilities of new relations that product or system can participate in.

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Social Imagination
wojtek szumowski wojtek szumowski

Social Imagination

Social imagination offers a disruptive perspective, a new organization of meaning, revealing new possibilities, roles, and relations through which products or systems can actively participate in shared human experience.

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