I am an inventor and experience designer who sees the connected world as a place full of potential for surprise, imagination, and possibility for new relations, where people & technology together unlock the experiential potential of every moment.
My experience design practice draws from a life perspective of a poet who studied product design and sociology, being particularly interested in how technology takes hold in social relationships, redistributing relations between people and objects, and inviting emergent techno-social contexts.
Sociology and poetry invite awareness of our emotional relationship with the world, offering a way to understand things, to make our experience with things meaningful, and to feel close to them.
I apply imagination as strategic, transformative energy to reframe design situations toward the human dimension, seeking new organization of meaning in a fresh context of relations, needs, and values.
My design energy continues to draw from social imagination and agile, poetic perceptiveness, making connections, composing relations, revealing meaning and the why, … making room for more possibilities.
I am interested in designing emotionally engaging relations for living with technology and expanding ways how people & adaptive technology can co-participate in experience supporting our intentions and emotions.
Whether it means supporting people in treatment through mobilizing benevolent awareness of our healing resources & relations /Astra-Zeneca, FluMist - Ticklish Response, MERC, Keytruda - Get Well Glow/, unlocking the experiential potential of connected cars /Ford - Electriquette, Walk with Me, Mazda - Emotional Onboarding/, turning digital flows inside-out and re-connecting data transformations with what they stand for, human emotions and relations /Dominos - Pizza Tracker experiences, On-Star - Coming Home, Ford - Emotional Twin/, or using experience innovation to help people find new doors to brand and product stories /VW GTI - Fast, V2Guitar, Hotels.com - Sound Capsules/ - my practice is about expanding awareness of new possibilities, aiming to make experience of connected world meaningful and disarmingly human.
My journey is defined by learning, caring, imagining and sharing creative energy with people seeking to do things they haven't done before. This expanded my inventive energy and transformative perspective, applied to designing new forms of relationship between people, culture, and technology, involving collaboration with clients such as Virgin Atlantic, IKEA, UR, Volkswagen, Dominos, Astra-Zeneca, Mazda, American Express, Ford, Lincoln, Hotels.com, OnStar, and others.
To foster change and intentionally expand ways how people & technology can co-participate in experience, I envisioned & led two original strategic innovation units, working in synergy with large creative organizations: Room for More Possibilities at CP+B and Kinetic Optimism Studio, an experience innovation studio at VML & partnering with Ford Product Development.
Strategically engaged in transformative client work & special projects, while making distinctive contributions to award winning work, with a US Patent granted, multiple patent disclosures pending, dozens of influential experience platforms, design strategies, experience narratives, and prototypes, helping people find new doors to product meaning and stories.
Having never neatly fit into a single disciplinary track, I continue to learn, interpret, and imagine, making room for more possibilities.